IAEP Signup

Instructions: Fill out the Iowa Agribusiness Environmental Partnership form below. Once you have completed the form, you will be provided with a PDF to print, sign, and send in to the AAI Home Office. IAEP Applicants will be considered for membership at the next AAI Board of Directors meeting following receipt of the signed Partnership agreement.

Step 1 of 3

  • The name of the company joining the partnership.
  • There are two member designations:
    Advising Members - Work directly with farmers to implement the nutrient stewardship and agronomic advice principles of the Partnership.

    Supporting Members - Companies providing technologies and products for agriculture, e.g. seed products, crop protection products, machinery products, insurance services, banking services, etc., but do not provide agronomic advice directly to farmers.
  • This is the person who will sign the Partnership on behalf of your company. Examples - GM, CEO, board president or chairman, company owner, or equivalent.
  • For Advising Members, this is the designated person who oversees crop advice professionals in your company.
    For Supporting Members, this is the person who oversees operations in the state of Iowa.

    NOTE: This might be the same person as the Authorized Partnership Signatory, in which case, enter the same information here.